Since its debut in the animation industry in late 2008, Fantawild Animation Inc. has successfully grown to be China’s leading original animation company in less than four years. With an output of 18,512 minutes in 2011, Fantawild tops all the other animation companies of the country in production, which is a true marvel considering the fact that it has surpassed the previous highest record more than 2,000 minutes, according to statistics from the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT).
While keeping its leading position in terms of production, Fantawild has spared no effort in the enhancement of the quality of its programs. Its 3D action comedy Boonie Bears was recently aired on CCTV Children’s Channel and gained great popularity by marking a high audience rating of 11% at its peak. Before that, many series from Fantawild were aired on the channel, some of them even the top one hit shows, such as Kung Fu Masters of the Zodiac and Chicken Stew. In the meantime, Boonie Bears was also selected by SARFT as one of the Best Chinese Cartoons of 2011, showing it one of most excellent shows in the industry, and even more importantly, a favorite in the eyes of kids.